mr. makras ms. cohen mr. pickering is out of town mr. driscoll mr. melberger ms. paskin-jordan mr. stansbury a quorum is present. >> (calling names) for any item not on the agenda matthew hawthorne following by david williams. >> hi that was a marsha hawthorne i believe and my icing apologizes. >> i attended the january 7th special at the board of supervisors to review the reappointment of ms. paskin-jordan i was surprised but pleased to hear he her tell the board she'll be a leader on fossil fuel for this pension plan we can't afford to wait for action the retirement board activated level one proxy voting 11 months ago that clearly has had no effect on the 2 hundred copies from the investment procedure in the meantime we're in the middle of a massive grauth drought we're witnessing the fall of oil prices on the effect of global warming because the of unburdenable assets the effect is much larger the short window of fund we have to protect the fossil fund is rapidly closings and this board is doing absolutely absolutely importing and exporting nothing it is long past the time for e