mr. malley speaks about, originally was not a part of the building. it was not constructed with the permit. it is not code compliant in many ways. it's approximately 20 inches wide at the lower level, has a nine-inch tread, nine-inch riser incomplete and incorrect handrail. you access the basement through a hatch. you come down a stairway to a point at which the stairway stops. you open a vertical hatch and you go down into the basement. this is no means a code compliant egress stair and, in fact, creates a safety hazard in the event of a fire. i think ms. man got has spoken about the laundry room issue. the second appeal of the permit is regarding the replacement of a foundation. our original building permit application requested that we replace the entire foundation with concrete. given the objection at the neighbors, we met with them to try to come up with a compromise solution. this compromise solution [speaker not understood] a new retaining wall which will carry the weight of four structures while leaving the substantial portion of the existing