mr. malmed, have you signed off on this? no answer, i assume not. years ago these sort of activities were prohibited with the city attorney when rich people get special treatment. i believe that would still be the case unless the laws have changed. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. seeing none. >> is there going to be a motion, any action on this? >> there's no action required. >> okay. we're on to item number 6, discussion of possible action on the framework for the hiring of permanent director for the department. >> okay. if i may, i'd like to kind of open up to the commissioners here to pretty much have every commissioner weigh in on this. i'm sure we all would like to understand -- for me personally, if i may fast track, i'd like to understand the past and how we did this in the past. i've been asking questions all week on how the procedure is, you know, and i've been getting good answers back. so, but if i may, if i could get john to interject. we had a quick conversation during the week. the first thing is i wanted the commissioners to un