it's not somebody from the outside to judge. >> mr. masri else i don't think doesn't buy into it and that's michael brown's father. i would like to show you or at least allow you to listen to what he has had to say about the situation. roll that tape. >> i thank you for lifting your voices to end racial profiling and policin it timdation. but hurting others or destroying property is not the answer. no matter what the grand jury decides, i do not want my son's death to be in vain. >> mr. brown, has made a plea for calm, the president has made a plea for calm, eric holder has made a plea for calm, and you're taunting police officers by calling them cowards, pigs, [ expletive ] and praying for their death. aren't you contradicting what all three of those gentlemen were asking for? >> that was october 9th and ever since then i've been very calm. that was just three or four minutes of me being emotional after they just killed somebody. so, yeah, they're taking that a little out of context. i respect mr. brown. there isn't going to be violence. we