mrs. maurica mayer and her husband, mr. zachary bowe. mrs. bonita bacell and her husband, mr.niel levinsin, and his wife, mrs. nina levinsen. mr. liel ovaskasa. the honorable john munhiem and his wife, sherry munhiem. mrs. kara mill. mr. duffy and his wife, mrs. heidi duffy. mrs. naomi aferly and her husband, mr. larry liebowitz. the honorable mr. davis and his wife, ms. olivia morgan. mrs. sarah blomenfield mrs. winnie agel and her guest. mr. greg kennedy and his wife, mrs. karen guverman. mr. robert sparks and a guest. mr. a.j.baeon and his wife ms. kate field and her husband. the honorable norman mineta and his wife, mrs. veni mineta. and mr. jeremy alters and guest, mrs. liana geriol. mr. richard faunte and his wife, mrs. jenine faunte. mr. robert bucini and his wife, mrs. elizabeth bucini. mr. haywood yan and his wife, mrs. yan. >> it's great. no better place. i was here years before at an architecture group. >> nuremberg? >> yes. >> the honorable john roberts, chief justice of the united states, and his wife, mrs. jane roberts. ms. darlene miller and her guest, ms. terry