mr. mccarter i will note ms. frost, when we have a little bit of time, i will give you ample time as well the please proceed. >> ranking member and distinguished members of the committee, the 14th amendment confers citizenship on any person who was both born or naturalized in the united states and subject to the jurisdiction thereof. each of those clauses is a specialized term of art. it does not mean what it may mean at first glance. for example held as recently as four years ago that those born in u.s. territories are not covered by the citizenship clause despite being literally born in the united states. and, similarly, the jurisdiction clause it evokes the doctrine of allegiance meaning the person must owe direct and exclusive allegiance to the sovereign as a d.c. circuit held as recent as 2015. historical record is lengthy and complex. i would respectfully direct you all to the amicus brief that i submitted on behalf of many members of this committee. i will highlight three issues in particular. first, like