mr. mccluskey a chance to respond. guest: i would hope when we have this debate, i would like on the evidence and the merits rather than whom is funding whom. with k there are people money on both sides. i don't think anybody disagrees with that. what's important is that when we the evidence about national standards, do they have discernible positive income -- no evidence comes, to suggest that. you look at reality, all kids are different. they have different rates, skills and ability, we need to treat them like individuals. these are the important things we need to talk about. guest: she raises a great question. which is what is plan b for want states to pull out of the common core. we can look tot oh k o.k. which has repealed the common core. now, it's total chaos. no one knows what the standards are. teachers don't know what they're supposed to be teaching to. in six months they're supposed to be giving some test, they the test will be. we're four years in to this. if we're going to do something for, we need to have