mr. mccormick says that the structure is built from the 1930's and monopoly era, do you+ agree that it is outdated for world? >> title ii completely survived the massive update that was the communications act of 1996. at the signing, president clinton and vice president gore talked about the information superhighway. everybody knew, the legislators knew, thaa advanced services was the way things were going. they were hoping that they would get more local competition. they were replacing anti-trust restrictions on the bell ccmpanies with regulatory provisions that would promote competition. the fact remains todayy that in most markets around the u.s., we monopoly, although some are, for march typically a duopoly -- but more typically a duopoly for wireless internet access. >> in 1934 the government decided to regulate the telephone industry. it said to the telephone industry, you shall have a monopoly. in return for that, you shall not have competition, but you shall have regulation. later, congress said, you shall no longer have a monopoly, but you will be freed froo regulation since ther