mr. mcgloven that all of the things and particular areas that we believe p are throughout the sfusd one purpose building they'll encompasses all at one site some questions were answered in the document and i'll make sure that document gets to other commissioners it's quite robust and speaks to some of the questions that happen at the curriculum committee meeting it was a deeper conversation what one purpose commissioners mention they received charter approval if this happens at this school district in san francisco they've begun and begun to develop their curriculum with many, many instructors and teachers that indicated their interest in joining the one purpose team but go deeper into the curriculum once approved to have the chapter i think if there was anything else that stood out the discussion around restoring the practices and how they deal with student discipline i got a response and really understood the response that was given by the petitioners at the meeting that from their background they embody ignite a lot of what we do here in san francisco unified school district around the resto