mr. mcintyre who is the ranking member of the sea power subcommittee. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. mr. mcintyre: i thank my friend, ranking member smith, as well as full committee chairman mckeon and the subcommittee chairman and my good friend todd akin for their hard work in helping us not only on this full armed services bill but also the sea power and projection forces portion of this bill, passed with strong bipartisan sort support in our subcommittee and in the full committee. the work of the subcommittee continues a long tradition of providing support for the men and women in uniform. the projects authorized in this bill are critical to our country's ability to project power anywhere in the world at any time. the bill includes $14.9 billion for ship building that would thars 10 new ships, including two virginia class submarines, a destroyer, four combat ships, one san antonio-class amphibious ship, one mobile landing platform ship and one joint high speed vessel. this also authorizes $1 ppt 1 billion for the national