mr. mclennan: there are a lot of different strategies.istorically, since i have used live caller pulling and online polling, the online polling is completely in nine this. name, is identified by they are not talking to a human being. the idea is that an online sample, there is no downside for being honest. ist we found is that there not much difference between the live callers and the online sample. we use different techniques. do not use that particular question, how do your neighbors feel. i try to match up other questions, because we can measure how people respond to policy questions that we know for the president favors, example with do you support the president? we try to look for correlations there. greta: clay, in north carolina. how are you doing today, david? in the county that i believe in, i believe that it is a blue county. my brothers and sisters are more back toward the eastern part, elizabeth city, north carolina. i am curious of the black vote. i do not think that we get sampled. have all my brothers switched from the demo