mr. mcwilliams, the tap program is undergoing a redesign. the goal is to roll up the new program by veterans day. you say the new program will include a comprehensive follow- up plant to check the progress of veterans that took tap while in the military. can you detail for us the comprehensive follow-up plan? >> the plan is to put metrics on how well the program assisted the participant in entering civilian employment. we plan to do it at three moments of truth, the first being when the person completes the program while they are still in the military. the second what they are in these jobs search mode, looking for employment. the third one being shortly after they enter employment and have become a member of a civilian organization. >> duties metrics follow -- check anything other than purchase but satisfaction? >> it is supposed to look at satisfaction and what portions of the program assisted them or what additional parts of the program they would need to have done better on their job search or have done the on boarding and become a new m