mr. menardi's comments about the comparison to the spbc as far as the amounts of the fixed penalties as well as the scope. do -- and maybe this is an unfair question. do you consider the f.p.p.c. schedule and approaches to be rational and reasonable and something that would offer significant or good -- valuable guidance? there seemed to be a significant difference in some of the numbers you've put on some penalties versus the other. >> i appreciate the question. i think if you were to pull the regulated community, it would insist that the f.p.p.c.'s schedule is the only -- i can't remember what terms he used, rational and reasonable maybe approach to penalizing the kinds of misconduct that are set out there. my own view, but this is open to revision through the process, is that when the f.b.b.c. adopted the schedules, they had to contemplate that their jurisdiction includes all of california, meaning jurisdictions not just like san francisco and los angeles, which have their own ethics commissions, but also very small towns, small towns that have very -- less significant need of fundraising