mr. michael petrellis again. >> please give me a head's up when it's two minutes 30 seconds. first of all i am really glad that barbara you put these meetings on tv in the last year. it's terrific to watch the meetings with video on demand and you can go to the part you want to watch. i mean you probably think every part of the meeting is really interesting but we have a choice now in the public of looking at what we want to see from these meetings and i think that's been really informative in the past year. i am here today to discuss two policies that are out dated, out the moated and discriminatory. i am not happy the fda hasn't lifted the ban of gay men donating ban and many organizations in san francisco have been working to lift this ban on gay people and unfortunately peggy hamburg at the fda gays that had sex with other gays in the past 12 months can't donate and that is sending a message that you can't trust the gay guys, what gay men are going to tell you about their blood. at the same time we have this out dated, out moated ban in san francisco on gay bath house scp