mr. monett because mr. monett was one of the people that wrote to him. and mr. monett was the picture of success. let me show you literally. quite a distinguished looking gentleman. two years after henry ford incorporate the ford motor company, he started selling forged. and within a few years he was on the most successful ford dealers in the nation to get 1200 cars on a showroom that stretched the entire city block. he had an orchestra that dressed in texas and performed, was named after his car dealership to get a summer home. he had a yacht. his wife, alice, was probably one of the most prominent socialites in the area. that was george monett. and that was until 1929 when he lost everything. and four years later, he had less than nothing. he saw this at any canton "repository" and he reached out to a stranger named mr. b. virdot. dear sir, your interesting and benevolent article appearing in the "repository" prompted me to write and advise how the depression left of the writer. 426 years was in the automobile business, prosperous at one time and had done more