mr. muldrew: how did he find out in may about the affair? ms. r. heidt: i told him. mr. told him? ms. r. heidt: he was upset. he was very upset. and he said that if i was--if i was going to have an affair, he wished it would have been with anybody else except his brother. he was very upset about it being his brother. murphy: and the prosecution asked robin what did she see in her brother-in-law. robin already had carey, who by all accounts was a devoted husband, doting father and solid provider. why would she step out on him with craig, who the state portrayed as someone who didn't seem to want much out of life except time to hunt, craig who was out of work on disability and was squatting at a friend's hunting cabin? mr. muldrew: how did you think your life was going to improve by engaging in this relationship with craig? ms. r. heidt: well, at the time, i felt like craig was giving me some attention and giving me some things that carey wasn't giving me. and at the time, i felt like that was where i needed to be was with craig. murphy: but what were craig and robin going