if we have to be there, we have to work with mr. murad, but we think you should uphold your own policies and the eastern neighborhood plan. >> the last 19 seconds -- this is his property as well. the new mission theater. he is planning on having a large nightclub there. it is not as though he is deprived of everything. he has a restaurant here and a big nightclub there. >> if people want to stand up to show their support or have their two minutes. -- president olague: >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am one of the merchants and a resident of the mission district since 1963. i know that area pretty well. i know the parking lot that used to be in the back of their behind the mission. we shop on mission street between 22nd and 23rd. i have seen the changes over the years, what has been there and what got destroyed with the construction. it is finally coming back. it is important to keep that in perspective over the future. mission street is a commercial corridor. it rivaled market street for a lot of years. there is more that will be comi