>> well, mr. nahan, i can only draw a parallel between the proportions of their mammary development and the configurations of the egyptian pyramids. [ laughter ] >> uh, what-what exactly do you mean? >> i beg your pardon? >> i say, what exactly do you mean? >> they've got a great set of honkers. [ laughter and applause ] >> all-all right, we're back to the action now. let's take a look at it. there's the snap. ferragamo, and he's rolling >> to the left? please don't associate me with anything that might be going to the left. i can't stand it. good night, mr. nahan. thank you very much. >> we'll be right back. [ music ] [ applause ] >> thank you. okay. thank you. >> a silly idea, isn't it? yes. buckley at the football game. "there's the kickoff." uh, we're back. uh, course we're back. yeah. what does that say? lynn redgrave is gonna be with us shortly, but right now, we have a young man who's been with us before. uh, he's a fine young comedian. tomorrow night, november the 18th, he's gonna be appearing w