mr. chairman. >> i'd invite the second panel to be seated. i'm pleased to introduce our second panel of witnesses for this afternoon's hearing. we'll start with and welcome back neil barofskyecial inspector general of sigtarp. next, elizabeth warren, chair of the congressional oversight panel, and finally, we'll hear testimony from mr. tom mccool, directer for the center of economics at the government can't office. without objection, your written statements will be made part of the record. you'll each be recognized, and votes are now being called. you'll be recognized for a 5-minute statement summarizing your written testimony. inspector general barofsky, you're recognized for 5 minutes, sir. >> thank you, mr. chairman, it's an honor to be back before this committee. >> thank you. >> it's also an honor to be sitting next to two of our most important oversight partners, of course, professor warren and mr. mccool from gao. this week we've introduced and presented our most recent quarterly report, and the oversight that we've been conducting over the past quarter. ucting over the past quarter. and so much of that is the result of the coordination that we've had with our overs