mr. nugent: i yield another minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for an additional minute. mr. scott: we have been trying for 18 long months to get to the bottom of this issue, and yet we are being stonewalled, and yes we hear that the federal government has provided 7,000-plus pages. but, mr. speaker, there are over 100,000 pages that we have requested. we are talking about a period from february 4, 2011 to december, 2011 where we were given false information. it is our responsibility, it is our duty to find the truth for the american people and the terry family. let me close, mr. speaker, by simply saying. how are we supposed to protect and ensure the safety of our border patrol agents in the future if we do not know who allowed the guns to walk across the border? how are we supposed to give brian terry's family any sense of closure, mr. speaker? this is why we have no choice but to be here today. the refusal of the attorney general to provide answers to brian terry's death, leaves us no choice