mr. nutriment very evolved to russia's democracy should be more than eyes to what's the link between democracy and modernization well that was something we talked about and it's a very interesting question. do do societies need a democracy in order to become economically efficient more does economic efficiency make the more democratic. chicken and egg problem and we spend a lot of time discussing this without reaching any definite conclusion as you would expect in these discussions because they're quite difficult challenging and there are a variety of opinions well used in europe hardly any unique experience of building new democracies to call. what's your impression impression of the progress in these countries so well it's good to but they had old democracies before they had communism whereas russia didn't really have an old democracy there made more progress towards the democrats eyes asian than russia. and. russia will be much more difficult i think russia is in a transition state at the moment i mean i don't know what you'd call it an incomplete democracy or a soft autocracy these are wor