mr. o'connor. and he's been very proactive in making sure that the sound is contained once i complained. so i am a little worried about raising the decibel to 95. but i am definitely willing to experiment and work with them personally. and come up with something that works for both sides. >> great, thank you. any other public comment on this item? seeing none. [gavel] public comment is closed. i am willing to entertain a motion. i think it appears that our applicants have met some of what we requested. just to provide proof of the sound proofing and a phone number and it's great that we have the public comment that says that relations are improving. where do you want to take this, commissioners? >> i want to ask a question before we go there. through the chair, what is their db now, 80? 85? >> the current conditions are 80 db and 11:30 and 12:30 for weekdays and week nights. and there is a request to go 12:30 and 1, weekday and week nights. and as far as db's, inspector edwards report indicates up