mr. o'leary. >> yes. >> so we have clearly, a split amongst the panelists here. mr. barrett and i appreciate the work that wdsu tv, the nbc affiliate in new orleans does and it's one of the first affiliates. do you currently have the legal rights to sub license always broadcast programming transmitted over your signals to companies like netflix and sky angel. who do not qualify for compulsory copyright licenses? is it something that you have the legal right? >> limited right with our networks with respect to how we may transmit their signal to other transmitters? >> limited rights? >> yes. >> is your company opposed to paying for access to content? no. we're not op -- no, we're not opposed to paying for content. >> mr. johnson? >> you say content you mean local programming or cable chan willel? >> any content -- >> we have been paying for it, the content, yes. >> mr. hymen? >> all we do is pay for content. >> this is something that already occurs. i want to ask mr. barrett, you all own a stake in a & e, the history channel, lifetime and other cable channels, correct?