i think he was mr. olive branch. i think he was mr.arm and fuzzy and i want to work with all of you and he had them all to the white house. and that didn't work. that didn't work. and he probably feels a little deceived by that. and so now he's saying, i'm sorry, this is the way it is. it's not so much that he sounds that way. it's not his tone. he's just describing what is. he's not creating the class warfare. the class war started by those in wall street, those in corporate america who decided you know how we can even make more money? let's see how many we can lay off, then the remaining people will work twice as hard, every person does the jobs of two people. we'll send whatever jobs we can overseas. i mean, this is -- the war started on the working people -- >> give me the pie chart. i've had time to think about this. when thinking about the financial position right now, obviously obama's been here three years before that the republican, before that democrats. if you're carving up republican responsibility, democrat and the america