bobby: mr. ota is chief executive officer of the nippon banks of america and he would like our help. you have my help, mr. ota. you daughter reached out to me and i couldn't do anything to save her. i didndn like the way that felt. i'll do whatever i can to get her back. with our network of undercrcer operatives... paid informants will spread the news. not my... paid informants. o mamahe be? hiro takata my chief security officer. ota-san, please reconsider hiring these men. it was my responsibility totorotect myzuko. it's my responsibility to bring her back safely no matter what the consequence. your reputation, for whatever it's worth, isn't the deal here. it's the girl that matters. the kidnappers, they'll get in touch with you in their own good time. you can bet on that, mr. ota and they'll want plenty of money. they'll give your daughter back ananmaybe not. the most important thing is finding the girl first. and that is our priority also, mr. black, and believe me hiro will be very useful in bri