mr. palsen. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is charlotte noss. i'm a staff attorney at the legal aid society employment law center. i'm here to speak in favor of supervisor campos's amendment. this is the largest legal organization in the western united states. we're dedicated to protecting rights of low wage and immigrant workers. we hold five weekly worker rights clinics, provide legal advice and referrals to over 2,3500 workers a year. in addition we have several telephone hot lines. for example, work and family hotline already so far in 2011 we have received over 1,000 calls. we see widespread abuse in low wage and immigrant-dominated industries, like rampant wage theft in industries we serve, the current loophole allows employers to steal employee benefits. we have heard stories from workers who are impacted by the loophole. workers who don't know they have these benefits and incentive for employees to hide these benefits from the employees. we heard from workers prevented from using accounts and can't get the most basic and routine medical