mr. defazio: well, we've all heard too big to fail and bush secretary of the treasury, hank paulsen, and president bush bailed out a bunch of guys on wall street for their gambling and mistakes and putting taxpayers at risk. some principle that does not belong in the policy of this country. but now we got another one. too big to be counted. too big to be counted. this year the pentagon will spend $670 billion, about $2 billion a day, and it doesn't know where its money is. in fact, it doesn't know if it has spent money. here's a few examples. in march, 2000, the pentagon inspector general found that $7.6 trillion, t, trillion dollars in accounting entries, one third of them, $2.3 trillion, or $8,000 for every man, woman and child in america were completely untraceable, completely untraceable. $2.3 trillion. don't know where it went. don't know if they bought something and it was delivered. who knows. then in 2003 they found, and this is something i talked about all through my years in congress as the so-called inventory system at the pentagon which is absolutely absurd, the army lost tra