mr. pearce. mr. pearce: thank you, mr. chairman. thanks, madam chair, for being here. kind of a continuation of the questions that mr. capuano had, do you-all ever sit around as a team and assess the things that were within your control leading up to 2008 that you-all were doing sort of a bad job of regulating and say, hey, we had internal failures here, we were signature in the room, we were allowing this, we saw long-term capital collapse, we saw the instability, i think greenspan actually forced the banks to come in and buy the bad assets because he could and because of trying to save a system. have you-all sat around and kind of had that discussion internally as a team that we need to do better? that set of discussions we've had over many years. and lessons learned, exercises of bad habits that happened, and what do we need to do differently so that it doesn't happen again. i have tried to describe in some detail in the testimony how we have changed the process of supervision as well as more broadly our monitoring of financial stability risks in the system outside