. >> mr. peavy, mr. peavy, we would like to talk about your travels, sir. >> explain to us why the puc should pay for you to fly to and from los angeles, your home. >> i am headquartered in los angeles. you know, you are an extremely difficult person. >> what's the purpose in coming to napa to speak to the senate. >> you're very antagonistic. you have a job to do. it is pathetic what you're doing. >> okay. >> pathetic. >> our reports the past two years questioned free travel to exotic destinations, by the former puc president. >> what's your position on accepting free travel from groups you regulate? >> never done it. i do think we need to get out and talk to people and meet with people, but i don't feel the need to have luxury. >> critics of mr. peavy said travel he accepted, more than $160,000, crossed the ethical line. will you cross that line? >> probably not. i stumble every day here. i think that's one i can avoid. >> under peavy, critics accused puc of acting like a lap dog instead of a watchdog. r