victor, as you pursued this case, what exactly are these business reasons that mr. pena any kind of employment discrimination case, a large, sophisticated company like burger king corporation is going to come out with some sort of explanation. in this case they say that an employee with seven years of work history with them who has been promoted multiple times who they have given their corporate stamp of approval all of a sudden became a deficient employee that they absolutely had to terminate. i think they're going to have trouble selling that story in a court of law and i don't think that story is going to fly. that's what make this is a good civil rights case. >> and christopher, why did you feel the need to tell your supervisor about your situation, your condition? >> well, when i told my supervisor, it was just prior to my beginning treatment, and at the time i didn't know what kind of side effects. i had heard several things but i didn't know what the side effects i would experience, so i really just wanted to make it aware just in case, you know, side effects aros