mr. peter widmeier, drt. >>> good afternoon, mr. president and commissioners. peter dutmeier of the [speaker not understood]. i, too, have concerns about the proposal of bawsca to transfer funds from the watershed environmental improvement program into capital programs. i, too, thank mr. jensen for pulling back on that. it does give me a chance to comment on the annual report for the wiip that was presented last december, i wasn't able to come, but i thought it was a great report. really exciting things happening throughout the watershed. we personally appreciated the puc's contribution tox acquisition of dos rios at tuolumne and san joaquin. that will be a [speaker not understood] to the san joaquin river wildlife refuge. i want to congratulate staff, especially tim ramirez who is here for the good work they've been doing. we had a good meeting up in moccasin on friday, [speaker not understood]. progress is made on the upper tuolumne river [speaker not understood] system. it is a little behind schedule. every three years, or 20-year. progress is being made, and