mr. pillpal. welcome. >> david pillpal. just a minor environment cal concern on 9-c, on page two, the description of environmental review of this action, the city of san francisco is making an action that the sewer is exempt from ceqa. that may well be the case, but the action before you today is to authorize the license, and there's no discussion here of whether that license approval is itself subject to ceqa. i'm not sure that it is, but i think that language should be in here because it's actually your action. further, i'm not sure, based on my prior research, that another agency's exemption determination under ceqa can be used by a different agency. there is a -- certainly a responsible agency relationship in ceqa for eir's and negative declarations, but i don't believe that that also carries forward for exemptions. but in any event, the action before you is on the license approval and not the underlying sewer's replacement that the city of south san francisco would be performing in the right-of-way under the license. i