mr. platts: thank you, madam speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. platts: thank you, madam speaker. i rise today in support of house resolution 862, congratulating the staff, students, and faculty at the illinois mathematics and science academy for winning the 2009 star innovator in the intel schools of distinction competition. math and science education at all levels is a necessary part of strengthening the future of scientific research in the united states. as a result of the changing nature of the global economy, american economic competitiveness is now at the forefront emphasizing math and science education will ensure a competitive 21st century work force. madam speaker, i would now like to yield to the distinguished gentlelady from illinois, the gentlelady, miss judy biggert. the speaker pro tempore: the the gentlewoman from illinois is recognized. mrs. biggert: i thank the gentleman for yielding. madam speaker, i rise today in strong support of house res