mr. obama is up to the challenges of the next two years. okay, more data. the latest tally of vulnerable senate incumbent, note the party affilulations. mark begch, democrat. mark pryor, democrat. mark udall, democrat. mary landrieu, democrat . cay hagen, democrat. mitch mcconnell, republican. all vulnerable. there are also five states where there are open senate seats and two long shot races with vulnerable democrats. that makes 14 potentially competitive races with democrats on the defensive in most of them. compounding democrats' problem is this, says diagnostician barack obama, quote, democrats have a congenital defect when it comes to our politics, and that is we like voting during presidential years. and during midterms, we don't vote. and so you already have lower voting totals during the midterm and it's our folks that stay at home. question, is a gop senate takeover inevitable? >> i don't think it's inevitable. i think it looks like it's a very real possibility at this point, john. but what we have to remember is that as bad as things look for the democrats, as easy as it has become to criticize the democratic leadership in the executive, the republicans nat