mr. quintanilla. colleagues, our board president, commissioner, supervisor norman yee is representing all of us today across the street at the earthquake safety fair, the department of building inspection has put on. so can we have a motion to excuse commissioner yee, made by commissioner mandelman, seconded by commissioner brown and take that without objection. next item, please. >> clerk: item 2. citizens' advisory committee report. this is an information item. >> mr. larson. oh, mr. larson. >> hello. thank you very much, chairman peskin, as well as members. i'm the vice chair festival community action committee for transit authority and i would love to give you a quick brief from the meeting on the 22nd of may and try to correlate that also with your own agenda that was going on. so to start off, i'm going to get the right page. consume. thank you very much. we had a number of action items, pardon me. and the first one was a action item which was your number 10, to adopt a motion of support for pro