mr. rahall: mr. speaker, parliamentary inquiry. mr. speaker. the gentleman from michigan's time was his own time. not my time. correct? the speaker pro tempore: that's correct. the gentleman yielded to the gentleman from washington. that is correct. mr. mcdermott: mr. speaker, i rise in support of the claims resolution act to remedy a past injustices against native americans and african-americans. this bill will provide a resolution to respond to past mismanagement in tribal lands and to discrimination against african-american farmers by the department of agriculture. in short we are taking at least a partial step to right old, old, old wrongs. this legislation also extends through fiscal year 2011. the basic temporary assistance for needy families, that's the tanf program, the extension of this program is welcome but it's not enough. this bill does not include the tanf emergency fund which provides funds to our states to help needy families and to establish or expand employment programs for jobless