mr. raju: it was really a remarkable moment. rarely do you see a senator going and singling out another senator in stark terms, accusing them of lying, someone within their own arty. and stashed their own party. and certainly a party leader. it just does not happen in a chamber like the senate. it is usually a very collegial place. you're not supposed to address senators directly. but mitch mcconnell assured him and other republicans that the xm bank, which is the nation's chief credit agency, that mcconnell did not cut a deal to allow the xm bank to move forward as part of the negotiation. ted cruz went to the floor and he gave mcconnell the eye. mcconnell said very clearly, i did not cut any sort of deal on the xm bank. he said the only promise was the members could bring it as an amendment. but mcconnell took the procedural steps to bring the xm bank measured directly to the floor assuming he can pass the 60 votes on sunday. ted cruz says that was backtracking, calling it a lie repeatedly u