we're joined now by david ranta's attorney. mr. susman, thanks very much. how is your client doing? once he finally became a free man? >> one of the things he said, i asked him what he wanted -- he was hungry, what he wanted to eat. and he wanted a juicy chicken parmesan sandwich. >> what's taking so long to get a chicken parmesan and side of fries? there's a lot of restaurants in new york. you could do that pretty quickly, right? >> we're all set. he's taken care of. >> when did you realize there was hope he would be released? >> if you're asking me, you know, what i felt instinctually, i felt many months ago, instinctually, that this was the only result that was possible. you know, based on reviewing everything in the case. when i actually knew on a concrete level that it was happening, i would have to say, in the last seven to ten days. >> what does he plan on doing? what are the next steps besides eating a chicken parmigiana sandwich? what will he do over the next weeks and months? >> so, you know, at this point it's time for some decompression, and, you know, meeting with his f