mr. rawlinsfield issued a report in june subsequent to that hearing showing that not only would the public defender not have a salary deficit but in fact have a salary surplus as of june of $558,000 don't believe the budget analyst but belief the controller that's what the controller statistics in the report we were dad right the gentleman was wrong and dead wrong today if you accept our current recommendation to increase the attrition by 26701 we are projecting the public defender will is a salary sewer surpass this is after the fact the public defender can higher at will our recommendation will have no impact whatsoever in reducing the services levels >> yes. mr. chairman, and members of the committee we've recommended an approval of what the public defender is requesting one new attorney and one new position to address the video retrieval we've recommended for 4 attorneys and one legal assistant that are preservation vacant on july 2015 the requesting requested substitution for manage one to manage 3 which we recommended against relies it simply results in a 15.8 percent salary increase