mr. speaker, because it wasn't out and it wasn't released. and i got a verbal preview of that when robert rector came to speak before the conservative opportunities society which i have chaired for some years, and i knew that they hasn't read the report because it wasn't released -- hadn't read the report because it hasn't been released. i've read every page of the rector report, i believe it's 102 pages. there's a five-page executive summary. this report boils down to this, mr. speaker. that if you pass the senate gang of eight's comprehensive immigration reform/amnesty act, the net cost of the people who would be legalized in america, even if you use the 11.3 million which i think is a very low estimate, the net cost to the taxpayer when you calculate the drawdown from the welfare systems and the health care and the education and the infrastructure, he's got it all broken down in detail, the net cost, and then you subtract from that the net tax contributions made by this group of people, you end up with a $6.3 trillion price tag to the senate's amnesty bill. $6.3 trillion. and still republican