mr. reichert: i yield to mr. young. mr. young: mr. chairman, i want to congratulate and thank the gentleman from washington for bringing this matter before the house today. it is something that mr. dicks and i have worked with ever since these wars began. something that we cannot overlook, something that is extremely, extremely serious, a major debt that we owe to the men and women who serve our country as war fighters. so i would say again to the gentleman, mr. reichert, from washington, thank you very much for bringing this matter before the house today. mr. reichert: i thank you, mr. chairman. i thank the ranking member. look forward to working with mr. langevin and both of you in making sure that our veterans, our wounded veterans returning home are rehabilitated, are counseled, receive the medical care and encouragement they need to continue a fruitful life. mr. dicks: would the gentleman yield? mr. reichert: yes. mr. dicks: i think we have got to solve this problem. this is very unfair that this one program -- this is a national