mr. reichert: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the gentleman for his comments and words of support and again thank all 379 co-sponsors of this bipartisan bill. i thank the senate who has worked with the members of the house on this bill, making it bicameral. and i think it's also important, mr. speaker, to point out the outside support that this bill has garnered. let me just name a few of those. the american association of people with disabilities, autism society of america, autism speaks, the brain injury association of america, easter seals, national association of councils on developmental disabilities, national disability institute, national down syndrome society, national federation of the blind, and the arc, and that's just to name a few of the outside organizations and groups that support this legislation. again, this is important legislation designed to help individuals with disabilities overcome the hurdles that they often face in holding a job, in living independently. i appreciate again the comments of the rank