mr. reynolds point can we revoke or would you always need to come back to revoke it. can we say in 5 years it's revoked unless it's continued. >> we've been advised by the city attorneys office in the past that there is legal problems. in order to formally revoke, we have to conduct a hearing with you. it's a cumbersome project that we are proposing is an analog to that. it's accomplishes the same thing without an automatic revocation. >> okay. maybe it forces a hearing. if they don't get a hearing in the year 5 or whenever we decide that deadline is supposed to be. okay. so to that i may have questions. i think on the stimulus side, that one is clear and it actually sets more define tive time frames. there is it opt out, your entitlement is revoked. at least this one is more clear, if you don't opt to this you are on the path to revocation. it's interesting to note theets these are all projects approved by us. they are not trying to sneak things underneath the radar. these are items that have been approved in the last 8 years. the recession has been deeper and longer