mr. richie will respond, mr. allen. >> yes, steve richie, assistant general manager for water. in response to the questions, the amount budgeted here in the puc's budget is 12.$4 million. that would be rate payer money. as we've talked about before, * there are two issues going on there. one is we are working with the gun club to identify if we can access any of their insurance policies from an earlier time. that will take some time and a lot of legal work. so, we need to proceed regardless. that might take several years to sort out. we should go forward to the site now. secondly -- >> the insurance companies are quick to demand our premium dollars, but very slow to give the money back. >> absolutely. as far as rec and park, actually the puc is the landowner is responsible and the puc actually initiated the lease with the lauden gun club and had them under lease for 15 years before rec and park had it delegate today them. the puc has the underlying responsibility on the property and that's why we need to go forward with it. as far as the timing of this, we are, excuse me, worki