ritchie. >> what the focus of this bill is here in missouri is to address the minors at the middle school, high school context for just protecting title ix female athletics. >> mrspeaker, this bill protects our students. >> what do you say to folks who say that this bill is anti-trans or trans phobic? >> number one, it's not. it is just, again, an effort to protect female athletics in this context, in the middle school, high school context, as well as protecting our children who, when they're walking off the field, they're entering into that locker, shower room with their teammates, and i think those concerns are legitimate. they wouldn't fall into a phobic context. >> some of your colleagues have said, i don't want my granddaughter in a locker room with boys peeping in. >> do not make my granddaughters go into a locker room and have to worry about a boy coming into their locker room. >> do you know of any specific instances where that has happened? >> you'd have to speak with them in terms of the individuals who are communicating those concerns. i haven't communicated those concerns myself. >> because your critics would argue that this is a bogeyman that's bei