mr. ritchie and i talked about and mr. robinson and i talked about is, in addition to cutting our losses to make sure we design a project that we take the-everybody is talking and we are having a system that isn't just designed from a infrastructure perspective but operated and maintained and deliver what it is supposed to deliver in a cost effective way. so, this was not just a cost about infrastructure build, it is about what it cost to operate it, and that's something i think everybody came to the conclusion about. this wasn't ready for prime time. whatever we design going forward will be not just designed from infrastructure perspective but able to be operated and maintained. i just want to make sure i raise that. hope that makes sense. >> makes sense. thank you so much. go ahead. >> (indiscernible) i was about to echo and complement what director miller said but general manager said it. this is an action what we were talking about in the previous conversation checks and balances a long project and lots of thinking and