mr. chairman. ther rivkinmiral don suggested when it comes to the prect of a truth commission, that suc a truth cmission it's a byproduct like to improve coopation between us and our allies when it comes to gathering and sharing intelligence and feeding a common enemy when it comes to islamic extremism. do you agree that such a commission would improve intelligence cooperation among allies? or do you think is more likely to have our foreign aies more skittish when it comes to these matters? [inaudible] >> i think it's the latter. i do not see how going through another self-referential a self absorbed exercise, that would not lead to any kind of national consensus but basically it would well at great lengt and by the way, i finally disagree with aarrative that has been the traitor of the bush administrations alleged. yes, mistakes were made. yes, some bad things happened, but compared with historica baseline of past wars, the conduct of the united states in the last few years, senator corn, has been exemplary m