mr. robert chris man. on behalf of supervisor yee for the late ms. becky lee. on behalf of supervisor mar and supervisor campos, for the late carlos ramirez. >> and is there any more business in front of the body? >> that concludes our business for today. >> ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned. [gavel] >> okay, we are back in business, the low agency formation commission, john avalos and our commissions have been introduced, jennifer low, madam clerk, can you call our next item, please. >> item number 2 is approval of lafco minutes from january 25, 2013 regular mooting. there are amendments that need to be made to the minutes, on item number 3, commissioner schmeltzer was absent and item number 6, same thing. >> okay. so, we could take those amendments after we open up for public comment. public comments on the minutes, and seeing no one come forward, we'll close public minutes, can we change those things on the minutes. seconded by commissioner breed, we'll take that without objection. thank you, madam clerk, if you can call your next item. >> item number 3