mr. robert freeman. and what she was able to do on our campus is really fund-raising and bringing in over $3,000 and exceeding her goal of $1 per student was what spearhead our connection and being able to go and see firsthand where the money went. pi was an amazing experience because we were able to go in july for nine days, both myself and stephanie and my sister and julissa and myself as well. and see 100% of the fund-raising money go to community center, to women's groups, and to really support firsthand through food distribution, through the development of breaking ground at the new site, and seeing the infrastructure that is being done to really -- >> bring the place back to life? >> really bring things to life. and then strategically to really support the aftermath of the earthquake. >> we have some video that was shot after the earthquake. and seth, you were there, you witnessed some of this. you don't want this to happen to any country, obviously. but a country like haiti, which already has next