mr. roskam, for five minutes. mr. roskam: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, in december of last year, the american studies association did a shameful thing. they decided to call on an academic boycott of one nation, and that is the state of israel. now, think about that. they looked over every other country in the world and they said basically by admission, oh, you're fine and you're fine and you're fine and you're fine. doesn't matter what's happening there or what's happening there, but we're being to go after one country, israel, and we're going to call upon a boycott. the former israeli ambassador, michael orrin, after that happened asked this question, will congress stand up for academic freedom? and the answer is yes. i was pleased, mr. speaker, to join with 134 colleagues, myself included, to send a letter to the american studies association to admonish them on what is clearly an anti-semitic effort on their part. i know that's a very harsh thing for me to say, but there's no other way to say it. it is anti-smetic. intend to move forward -- an